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Who wants FTMs?
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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: Who wants FTMs?

I'm an English FTM and my experience so far in this life is that FTM's are on the riverbed of the dating pool... I hear and am told that there are people who like us, but I've never met one and I sometimes believe I never will. At least, not one that I want as well.

I hear MTF's complaining about only sleeze bags wanting them to use for sex, but hey girls, at least you get SOME interest!!

What kind of people are interested in relationships with FTMs, and why? Are there any here in England or are they all in San Francisco!!??? lol

Cos as much as I can think of many things I have to offer, it seems like none of them are anything anyone else wants unless they come with a fully functional d---, something I'll never have

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`i actually find FTMs the most attractive and i feel awkward being like Hello Hopeless Romantic seeking FTM ... Many people dont always react to that too well. Sorry i am not in England though... although i have consider a move there several times.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Oh well, at least there's someone! lol :)

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Posted:     Post subject:

hey i am here in australia yeah i know it's far from everything but i am looking for a F2M as i am M2F but identify as a straight woman it's so hard to find a transman anywhere i don't know how to go about finding one for a relationship

are F2M's even into that i get the whole sleaze bag pick up lines and trust me hun i would have nothing then constantly be hounded by "animals"

just letting you know there are people out there that will love you cause god know we all need it

just thought i would let you know that lol
kristy [/b]

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I think it's sad for anyone to consider themselves on the "riverbed" of the dating pool. I personally think that there is someone out there for everyone and love is love. I am a straight female and do not nor have I ever considered myself a lesbian. I'm just not attracted to women. That being said, if I were to meet a woman and have that attraction I would have no problems pursuing it. I think what you have to offer is what is important in a relationship. Friendship, honesty, companionship, love, sharing common interests, goals dreams. If anyone lets the presence or lack of "parts" make them feel differently about you, then they aren't the person for you in the first place.

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October 29, 2010
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`If you want someone to be interested, make yourself available! I've been looking all over to FTMs and I can't find any of you guys except on the internet! And when I do you're a country and an ocean away from me. It's like those dreams where you get finally get that one thing that's missing in your life, and you're filled with overwhelming joy, then you wake up and look around and the rest of your day sucks because you know it's downhill from there.

I'm not sure how you would wear the "I'm FTM" badge on your shirt, though.

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October 19, 2010
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`well, here in chiacgo .. the women are beyond having excuses about attractions. most of the women here just date whome ever. sadly i don't want any part in that. mainly because i just feel sorry for a good majority of the women here who don't understand what a transman is. they easily assume that transmen are lesbian which is no where near true! because i've bared witness to this.. i'd rather NOT look for women here. lol

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November 23, 2010
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`Tyoka... I'm curious about how/ what your ideas are of how to be/ appear available. I have been very open and available within my transition and have had nothing but turndowns and I am a very attractive, nice man. Maybe you (or any of you ladies) have some useful ideas or tips for me and my fellow FTM's lol. How do we get out there? How do we make ourselves available to the awesome women like you? Cause trust me, we all wanna know lol! It's always good to hear what the women looking for FTM's are looking for us to do.

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October 12, 2010
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: Who wants FTMs?
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What kind of people are interested in relationships with FTMs, and why? Are there any here in England or are they all in San Francisco!!??? lol"

relationships are complicated.....
I been having lot of gay guys turning on me as a boy, and also a girl or 2
but mostly when people find out im f2m they get a bit frigtning, like at my old school I was was a big taboo because they girls where lesbians if they dated me and the boys where gays if they did the same.. I still belive im this kind of dobble taboo only the brave ones dare to give a try.

but I have heard some few who actually found it as a plus I was f2m. it generally bisexsuals who mostly into guys but who dosen't have anything against girl parts.. also im not on homones so my look is very "little boy like" wich I think some guys also find a bit attractive..

so as far I see it it not like people dosent like transmen, or arnt interesting, but people are just scared of this unknowed fact and start to question there s----lety, and so on and on and on..

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I think it takes real guts and heart to plunge into a transgender relationship. You need to be a really brave and adventurous person to handle it and take it seriously. And I get your whole "bisexual preferences" thing about how they dont mind a boy looking partner with girl parts. I also have that "little boy" appearance sometimes lol! XD which yes I agree some boys like O.o AND some girls =P And I also understand the taboo of lesbians not liking it cause you look like a boy, but gay boys not liking it cause you have girl parts and not boy parts. OH DAMN IT! we can't win....we really can't. lol XD i'm with u =)

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October 29, 2010
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Nate88, I'm not a woman. I'm use to being mistaken for one though, it happens everyday.

IDing yourself as FTM can be hard, especially if you're going to the manly style rather than the boyish style. I feel so lucky, since I don't actually identify as a girl, I can announce my genetic S-- without losing my image. And it's so fun to see the reaction on a person's face. But that's neither here nor there.

If you want people to know you're FTM, you'd have to identify as that rather than male. As in, use the first excuse available to announce it, rather than trying to pass as a genetic man. Or, you could just be aggressive about it. Don't be afraid of rejection. Tell her you're FTM. If she's unsure about it, introducing yourself into her life will only open her mind to it. If she's dead set on not dating an FTM, then she was a waste of time and the rejection was a detour for that.

Personally I can't imagine wanting to be with someone for whom such a thing is so negative. I recall my mom telling me as a teenager, "You know, when you meet a girl someday, she may not like this whole effeminate thing", and I told her "Why would I want to be with someone who doesn't like me? Also, you still think I'm into girls?"

That's my two cents. Be proud, exert yourself. Force of personality is generally an attractive thing, I know I find it attractive. Manly egos, too. I dunno if that helps any. Probably not.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`HAHA I know what you mean, Tyoka. Most people are schocked to find out I am a girl, but I see it more as a comedic thing than a dramatic issue. And then that right person will come along after you tell them what you really are they they will say thats it's cool or it's ok. I also agree that a strong great personality is far more attractive than any good looks.

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October 12, 2010
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`(And I also understand the taboo of lesbians not liking it cause you look like a boy, but gay boys not liking it cause you have girl parts and not boy parts)
No I ment like; straight girls didnt want to date because then they was tell that then they would be "lesbians" and guys didnt want to because then they got told they where "gay"
I wont date lesbians because i dont want to date someone attracting to me as female.. but year it also annoying on if your dating guys guys...
oh the guy fact.. gay guys and there ----- love... is really my sorrow... LOL
I think I prefern bisexuals who most into guys.. but there have been guys who dosent only think with there ----- but with there heart.
tyoka: well I wont tell a person from the start I was ftm.. I would prefern to know the person a little better. simple because I have tried to tell people at once and then it the only fact they like or dislike about you.. and it can be so annoying.. I want people to get to know me as the person I am, not as how im born.. or other stupid facts..

if someone having a really great personalety is the most important thing...
agreee ...

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Ahh i c now Natkat....i get that. I guess I brought up another issuse though, huh? lol XD I was thinking....and it might be cool to date another FTM portraying ourselves as a "gay couple" or to date a MTF so we both understand eachother and our problems or issues. We would understand how to treat the other one because we would want to be treated that way too. I duno...seems dating another transgender would be much nicer MAYBE than dating a bio male or female. :3

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October 29, 2010
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I agree, trans relationships sound neat. Personally, I find masculinity attractive, but I want someone who I can relate to on the whole transgender issue. Mathematically that means either an FTM or a very manly woman would be the best options. But who knows. I don't identify as gay or straight, I think the whole gender/sexuality label thing is stupid.

The ----- is nice organ though. I certainly don't mind having one. But I've always thought love would transcend bodily organs and hormones and chromosomes.

Natkat, who cares what those people think. That's so superficial. I can understand you wanting people to be attracted to your male projection, believe me. I went through the same thing as a teenager. But if someone worries so much about the label that will be assumed of them by dating you, they're not worth it. In my humble opinion.

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